Fubsy, the scripting language

By now you’ve probably noticed that Fubsy is a simple scripting language as well as a build tool. It has constructs that are familiar from other programming languages, like variables, strings, lists, and function calls. It’s missing lots of functionality that you would expect in a general-purpose language, like numbers, arithmetic, loops, and user-defined functions. And it has some features that are vaguely like subroutines, but geared towards the particular needs of a build tool like Fubsy: phases and build rules.

The formal specification for Fubsy’s scripting language doesn’t exist yet, so here’s an informal guide.

Top-level elements

At the top level, a Fubsy script contains three elements: import statements, inline plugins, and phases:

import PLUGIN

plugin LANG {{{


There can be any number of each element, and they can be intermixed in any order:

import java

plugin python {{{
    def pyhello():
        # println() is a Fubsy function exposed to plugins
        println("hello from a python plugin")

import c

clean {

plugin javascript {{{
    func jshello() {
        println("hello from a javascript plugin")

main {
    c.binary("bin/myapp", <src/*.c>)
    java.classes("classes/foo", <src/foo/**/*.java>)

However, good taste suggests that imports should come first, followed by inline plugins, followed by phases in a logical order. Here’s an equivalent build script:

import java
import c

plugin python {{{
    def pyhello():
        # println() is a Fubsy function exposed to plugins
        println("hello from a python plugin")

plugin javascript {{{
    func jshello() {
        println("hello from a javascript plugin");

main {
    c.binary("bin/myapp", <src/*.c>)
    java.classes("classes/foo", <src/foo/**/*.java>)

clean {


Don’t expect this to work with Fubsy 0.0.1. The parser supports all of the syntax shown here, but almost none of the required backend code has been implemented yet.


There’s no provision for builds with multiple build scripts (aka “hierarchical builds”) yet. I’m leaning towards a simple include FILENAME syntax (like Make), with automatic reinterpretation of filenames in child scripts (like SCons). Join the fubsydev mailing list if you want to help shape the design of Fubsy!

(Some) whitespace is significant

End-of-line is syntactically significant: it’s the delimiter between statements. The only difference between

# invalid syntax
import a import b


# valid syntax
import a
import b

is the newline after import a. The same applies to statements inside phases and build rules.

Less obviously, the relationship between curly braces and newlines is fixed by the grammar:

# valid syntax
main {
    a = "a"

# invalid syntax
    a = "a"

# invalid syntax
main {
    a = "a" }

# valid syntax (special case for empty phases)
main { }

Build rules have similar syntax.

Newline is the only type of whitespace that is significant, though: Fubsy does not care how you indent your code. You can use tabs or spaces or both or (shudder) no indentation at all. (But I care: please indent with four spaces, so all Fubsy scripts will be consistent.)


I like the idea of consistent style being enforced by the grammar, but clearly I didn’t have the guts to go as far as enforcing indentation. If you strongly disagree with this design choice, one way or the other, please join the fubsydev mailing list and discuss!


Fubsy will support external and inline plugins. One import statement loads one external plugin using a dot-delimited name:

import c
import java.eclipse
import foo.bar.baz.wing.ding

The effect of each import is to add one name to the local namespace of the current script: in this case, c, eclipse, and ding. Each plugin provides values that you can use in your build script:

main {
    c.binary("app", "main.c")

Precisely what a plugin provides is entirely up to the plugin.


Apart from syntactic support, this is completely unimplemented in Fubsy 0.0.1.

Inline plugins

Fubsy deliberately does not provide general programming features such as numbers, arithmetic, loops, or user-defined functions. That’s what inline plugins are for. There are plenty of good high-level general-purpose languages out there already, so it seems silly to design and implement yet another general-purpose language for a special-purpose build tool. (And Fubsy deliberately does not use an existing general-purpose language for its syntax, because that would limit it to fans of that particular language. Fubsy aims to be a universal build tool, and inline plugins are a key part of achieving that goal. If you want SCons/Rake/Waf/Gradle, you know where to find them.)

The syntax for an inline plugin is


where LANGUAGE is a short identifier like “python” or “javascript” and CONTENT is any sequence of bytes, except for }}}.

The language tells Fubsy how to interpret the content. If you put JavaScript code in a plugin marked python, then Fubsy will happily fire up a Python interpreter, ask Python to parse your code, and fail.

Whitespace inside the triple-brace delimiters is ignored and passed verbatim to the plugin interpreter, except that common leading whitespace is trimmed. That is, if every line of CONTENT starts with (at least) four spaces, then four spaces will be trimmed from CONTENT before attempting to parse it. That lets you indent your inline plugin content without angering indentation-sensitive languages like Python.

Functions and values defined by inline plugins will be available to the build script directly. See the example above, under “Top-level elements”.


Apart from syntactic support, this is completely unimplemented in Fubsy 0.0.1.


A phase is just a sequence of statements:


where NAME is an identifier like main, clean, options, etc.

A statement can be one of the following:

  • a variable assignment, like

    src = <src/main/**/*.java>
    java.JAVAC = "/usr/bin/javac"
    java.CLASSPATH = ["lib/util.jar", "lib/stuff.jar"]
  • an expression, like

    mkdir(builddir + "/" + "bin")
  • a build rule, like

    "app.jar": <classes/app/**/*.class> {
        "jar -cf ../../$TARGET -C classes/app .

Every Fubsy build script must contain a main phase, which defines sources and targets and the relationships between them. See Phases for more information on the phases that Fubsy will eventually implement and the relationships between them.

Local and global variables

By default, variables are local to the current script, and available to all phases in it:

main {
    junkfile = "tmp/junk.dat"

clean {

Thus, while phases look like a scoping mechanism, they aren’t. They’re really a mechanism for specifying what happens at different times in the process of a build. That’s why they are sort of like subroutines, but not really. (They also don’t have parameters or return values, and you don’t have much control over when they run.)

Variables can also be defined in a build rule, in which case they are local to that build rule only:

main {
    "outfile": "infile" {
        tmpfile = "$TARGET.tmp"
        "./process $SOURCE > $tmpfile"
        rename(tmpfile, TARGET)

    # runtime error: 'tmpfile' not defined

Thus, build rules are a scoping mechanism. But they are primarily a means for you to write code that isn’t run until the build phase, and only runs if any of the rule’s targets are stale or missing.

A future version of Fubsy will support hierarchical builds where a top-level build script includes child scripts for building code in subdirectories. When that happens, Fubsy will also grow support for global variables that are visible to all scripts in the same process. Until that point, there’s not much point in implementing global variables.

Value expansion

All values in Fubsy – strings, lists, and filefinders – are subject to expansion. The precise meaning of expansion varies according to the data type, but in general it means converting a value from the form initially seen in the build script to the form that will be needed in order to actually build targets.

For example, the filefinder value <*.c> might expand to a list like

["main.c", "util.c", "stuff.c"]

and the string

"$CC -o $TARGET $sources"

might expand to

"/usr/bin/cc -o app main.c util.c stuff.c"

Expanding a list just means expanding its member values recursively, and flattening the result. For example, the list

[<*.c>, "hello $audience", <include/*.h>]

consists of three values which might respectively expand to

["main.c", "util.c", "stuff.c"]
"hello world"
["include/util.h", "include/stuff.h"]

But list expansion results in a flattened value

 "hello world",

Fubsy is perfectly capable of representing deeply nested data structures, but it generally flattens lists whenever it can. Fubsy is not a general-purpose programming language, and flat lists tend to be more convenient in build scripts.

In the absence of explicit expansion, by you or by plugin code that you call, values are expanded in the build phase. Values that are nodes in the dependency graph (a common use of filefinders) are expanded early in the build phase, when Fubsy converts the initial dependency graph to its final form. Other values (e.g. command strings) are not expanded until right before the command is executed. Consider this build script:

main {
    flags = "-O2"
    "myapp": <*.c> {
        flags = "-O0 -Wall"
        "cc $flags $SOURCES -o $TARGET"

Expanding command strings at the last possible moment means $flags expands to -O0 -Wall, as you would expect. It’s also essential for automatic variables like SOURCES and TARGET to work.


Fubsy’s scripting language provides the following familiar features, which should be familiar from most general-purpose programming languages:

  • variables
  • data types: strings, lists
  • expressions, including function calls

The scoping rules for variables are a bit odd:

  • most variables are local to current script
  • but phases are not scopes: a variable defined in main is visible in build, clean, etc.
  • each build rule is a scope and has local variables

Fubsy also has some distinctive features:

  • filefinder objects for wildcards (<src/*.c>)
  • expansion of variables embedded in strings ("$CC -o $TARGET")

These may look familiar from Unix shell programming, but there’s a key difference: in Fubsy, wildcards and strings are expanded as late as possible.

Finally, Fubsy deliberately omits a number of features found in any general-purpose programming language:

  • numbers
  • arithmetic
  • loops
  • user-defined functions
  • logic (“a or b and not c”)
  • conditionals (if/then/else)

Fubsy is not a general-purpose language. If you need those things, you’ll have to write an inline plugin in an existing language (when Fubsy grows support for inline plugins!).

(Actually, I suspect Fubsy will have to provide conditionals and logic eventually. The point of the options and configure phases will be to make the build vary according to user wishes and the state of the build system. User-defined options won’t be very useful if they don’t provide a way for you to enable/disable parts of your build, and explicit conditional constructs are the obvious answer there.)